How do You Unleash Your Investing "AHA!"?
Do you know of those moments in life where you get this big AHA!-moment and something you thought was a set way, or worked a certain way turned out to have a completely different angle to it than you thought to begin with? This article might change your world view in a profound way and you might change how you invest. Investing and being successful at it is not about picking a stock because you believe that the stock price goes up. Many individual investors believe that investing is about predicting a future trend and buying a stock that will likely go up. Making a bet on a stock. I used to believe the same and it turns out that Warren Buffett early in his career as a stock investor also invested with this mindset: picking stocks that he believed would go up. What made everything change – the time where the lightbulb went on for Buffett - was a book he picked up. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham. “I saw this one paragraph and it told me; I had been doing ev...