What Can You Do If You’ve Lost a Lot of Money in The Stock Market?
One mantra that is echoing these days is: “you haven’t lost money until you’ve sold your stocks”. There is some truth to that saying, so if you’re holding stocks right now that are showing a loss of 50, 70 or 90% this is what you can do to take stock of the situation, regain some faith in your ability to make decisions, and decide on your next step. Don’t sell a wonderful business (but you might want to sell a bad businesses) Some businesses are of high quality – we call those "wonderful businesses". They have great leadership and a competitive advantage . Some businesses are sickly, they are not profitable and/or have a lot of long-term debt. Review the companies that you hold in your stock portfolio by using my checklist – are they healthy or are they sickly. If you don’t know how to use a checklist, watch this free webinar . It's not too late to find out if it’s trash or treasure you hold, and you can make a sound decision based on your new knowledge. Don't trade