How Do You Get Financially Free?
How do you recommend I get started on creating a plan to become financially free? This is a question I often get because I’m on a financial freedom journey myself and have a plan and framework for how to get there. Financial freedom starts with just that: A plan. And the plan for financial freedom starts with a monetary goal. How much money will freedom require? You need to know that number to set the goal and you can easily calculate this number. And then you must learn how to invest. No savings account will give you the rate of return you get with a very safe investment in the stock market. Read more about this fact in the article: Why Is Investing Better Than Saving? I invest because I want to be financially free. You think it's scary to start investing? I think it's scary not to invest because though I love my job at the LEGO Group, I don't want to work until I'm 70 years old. This is the current retirement age here and I plan on checking out earlier. From my pe