Five Forces which Paralyze New Investors
These days the financial newspapers and commentaries from hedge fund managers and the financial community oozes of constant worry and occupation about downswings in the market. Sometimes this commentary is super optimistic and “stocks only go up” while currently it is gloomy because of interest rates, higher inflation, and a terrible and shocking war. This commentary paralyses some people, so they never get to invest. Are you that person, who doesn’t get to invest because the time never seems just right? The financial commentary is one of 5 forces that prevents us "common" stock investors from investing. According to Philip A. Fisher, investor and author of Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits (one of Warren Buffett’s favorite books) the other four influences are: 2: Government attitude to businesses The attitude of governments towards companies can impact the actions (or lack hereof) from beginner investors. Governments can either create laws, tax regulation, incentives, and