What Are the Steps to Investing Mastery?

If you want to master investing you must practice. Earlier I’ve described and shared a monthly investing practice but there are other ways to learn and today I’ll share Tony Robbins 3 steps to Mastery.

Earlier this month I participated in Tony Robbins’ Date With Destiny (if you'd like to know more about DWD there's a documentary about it on Netflix. It's called "I'm Not Your Guru"). 

https://www.flickr.com/photos/stewtopia/3948482669/ Randy Stewart

What I admire about Tony Robbins besides his mission to spread love and to contribute, is his approach to learning and adopting patterns. Tony have interviewed some of the best investors in the world in order to learn how to be a successful investor. Investors like Ray Dalio (please do read his books, they're so important), Sir John Templeton, and John Bogle and many other successful investors have contributed to Tony Robbins knowledge. 

Even Warren Buffett gave Tony Robbins advice though I wish Buffett had shared better information with Tony Robbins because Buffett’s unique investing strategy could’ve reached the masses – read the book “Money Master the Game” to learn what advice Buffett gave Robbins. 

Today, I want to share the steps that Tony Robbins recommends taking to be a successful investor – to master anything in general, really. It's steps that I have found are valuable and that I use in my investing practise.

Step 1: Model someone who is already getting the result you want.

If you learn from the best in the world, you’ll get excellent result. Success leaves clues. As many of you that read my articles are aware of, I follow Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Phil Town, Guy Spier, and Mohnish Pabrai. I read what they write, watch the videos they produce, listen to podcasts - anything from them are usually packed with nuggets of wisdom.

Step 2: Learn Through Total Immersion.

Schedule focused time to learn. Take a weekend out and dive into topics about investing. During Date With Destiny I went to my parents' cabin to be able to focus 100%. I have weekends throughout the year where the ”do not disturb”-sign is up and I immerse myself in investing topics or take a course.  You can do the same - I have mini-courses as well as a 5-week investing course that will give you an opportunity to learn.

Step 3: Spaced Repetition.

Make sure that the findings you made during your immersion is not forgotten. A while after the event revisit your notes. For me it works best to review notes after two weeks and then again after two months. I might do additional work or take extra notes during this time. For you the spaces might be shorter or longer - it's really individual, how much time you need in order to not have completely forgotten what you learned, but also have had the time to get a bit of distance.

Though Tony Robbins is not known as a successful investor like Buffett and Munger, he has applied a lot of the learnings he got from the super investors he interviewed. I felt that it was beneficial to you to share this information about learning. Because learning and finding patterns is really where Tony Robbins excels.


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