Learn How to Invest with This Simple Practice

The book that changed my life was "Invested" by Danielle Town. After I turned the last page, I didn’t want the feeling of joy and bliss to go away, so inspired by the chapters in the book, I scheduled a topic in my calendar. Every month I would immerse myself into a topic from the book and after I completed to topics from the book, I continued with topics I chose myself.

This turned out to be a game-changer for me because it allowed me to keep momentum and focus. And I want to pay it forward, so you also get to approach investing in a structured way! I’ve created 12 months of investing practice topics that you can download and use in your own practice.

The next step after downloading – which is really important! – is to schedule it. Timing and is different for everyone, so set a reminder on your phone. For some people mornings before work might work, while for others prefer afternoons after work or for some evenings works better. 


For me weekend evenings after the kids are in bed works best. During weekends, I have more time to dive into a topic (some weekends are booked with activities, but most weekends it’s Friday, Saturday, and/or Sunday for a couple of hours). But this is my passion, so I like to immerse. 

One of my clients enjoy diving into a topic for a couple of hours after work once a week, and business strategist Tony Robbins have mentioned that he’ll immerse himself the whole month and take out a full weekend of total immersion. We’re all different and the main focus is to stay engaged and energized.
(psst, the reason to schedule in your calendar is not to forget).

“If you are committed to achieving the level of lasting results you desire and deserve in your life, you need a proven game plan, and an immersion experience that will compress decades into days.”

Tony Robbins

In the 12-month guide you’ll find that some topics gives you energy, but also probably topics where you’d have to stretch. Stretching is learning something that you know very little of today. It’s where you know that you’ll have to stretch and really lean in to understand. Make sure that you prepare for these topics, so you get it done and don’t drop the topic because of excuses or procrastination. I’ve been there and all of a sudden, I’m too tired, too busy or what not. It’s important for me to identify, when I have a stretch goal and make a small note in the calendar, so I know I really have to get cracking, not procrastinate – and celebrate when I accomplished the goal!

You might feel a discomfort or low energy towards other topics. Identify what those are (this will happen as you get to know yourself better) and make sure to plan how you can make it more interesting you plan rewards when you’ve done the job.

But with most topics you’ll be energized by learning something new and interesting that you’ve never thought of. And that’s really the purpose.

I hope you’ll enjoy the topics and your 12 months of investing practice.

Download the Investing Practise here


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